Tuesday, 12 May 2009

good views and good news

Just thought you all might like to see one of the reasons that I like living here. This was taken this morning in a part of the farm that is in ancient woodland and goes down to the Sawdde River to form part of the boundary of our 40 acre farm. After last night's heavy winds, Adrian decided to check the boundaries for fallen trees etc and Tabby, Kathleen and I went along. The bluebells are all along the slope and virtually down to the river at this point, the smell is intoxicating and the whole affect so beautiful that words fail me sometimes (doesn't happen often).

From there we wound our way back. Our finance lady was there doing her thing and just before she left, she gave us the good news that we are now just short of breaking even financially. That is despite the big problem we had in January and early February when we froze solid up here for eleven days. We had no running water in the outbuildings or the house for eleven days. My God that was hard work. Anyway when the thaw came, the water main split as did the bore hole pump and it cost the Trust nearly a whole month's money to repair.

Looking at that picture you wouldn't believe it would you? All looks so innocent. But you never know what is round the corner here and though we are pleased that we are near to breaking even, we are definitely NOT (in big letters) complacent about it. Wales is a very hard mistress.

Our fund raising goes on. We haven't the back up of money that the big charities have so we have to keep trying to get funding in.

However every once in a while you have to take "time to stand and stare" as the poem says. That's why I went to take photos this morning. It helps to keep you going and to keep you firmly rooted.

1 comment:

  1. What an idyllic setting - and yes, I can see why you are so enamoured with your life in Wales.

    Lovely to see you blogging - it's great so see photos of where you are and what you are doing. I have being trying to picture it.

    We visited Wales for just a week, but our phone didn't work, so I couldn't find out where you were - not that we had much time - there were just not enough hours in the days.
