Monday, 11 May 2009

Despite our very best efforts, another animal has started showing symptoms of equine flu. we started nearly a month ago with Tumble our rescued quarter horse going down with the symptoms, nasty infection but at least not Strangles (don't even go there) and with vet care, Tumble has recovered. We went into immediate quarantine as soon as we knew we had "something" and all equine movements were cancelled. At least all movements out were cancelled, we did take in an abandonement or two, it's what we are here for after all. All the animals were kept in herds according to their exposure and we went started a rigid round of trying to keep things disinfected and all the germs away from all the other horses. It seemed to be working and we loosened up a bit but today we found an unconnected animal has contracted it. Sadie has it now, she was kept completely separately from the infected herd with her companion Humphrey.

It's a bummer isn't it?

Lately it hasn't been the best of times for us in the way of equine health. Just before Easter Zorro came down with choke followed by pneumonia. We nearly lost him, even the vet figured he wouldn't make it. Many vets visits and a shed load of drugs later and we were sure he would make it but it was close. Now equine flu. Double whammy of vets bills. Big time.

At least none of the horses that have it now are in need of vet care, it seems to have diluted a bit but we still need it gone. We have lots of committments that are best done with a pony or two, makes more impact when you go to a school or fete. We can only hope that it will work it's way through the herds more quickly than this so we can get on with things again.

1 comment:

  1. Just found this! Welcome to blogland nanny and Adrian :). A ncie way to follow what's going on up on your mountain.


