Sunday 4 October 2009

Tuesday 6th October

Crikey, another month has gone by.

September was glorious and dry mostly, sunshine all round.

I have been out and about walking, gardening and doing outdoor things mostly, making the most of the weather. The goats have been enjoying the front paddock, it has a decent shelter in it so they stayed outside for most of the month. The paddock looks pretty good now, they always do a good job of getting rid of the rubbish plants anywhere they go.

We lost another of our cats, Hobo, whom we believe must have had a heart attack. I found him in a state of distress behind the back door one morning. We took him to the vet who I think realised that he probably wouldn't make it but he had a pain killer and antibiotic and we took him home to see how he was in the afternoon. By 4pm when Adrian went to have a look, he had died quietly and without pain in the bedroom curled up on the bed, one of his favourite places. Adrian buried him under a big slab of slate in the back garden, I must assume that the slate has been put there for that purpose previously as it is too big to be there.

Sunday I had to walk over to Bethlehem (no, not that Bethlehem) about 5 miles away I suppose. Not a bad walk and when I finished the business I had there I decided I would walk up Garn Goch, an Iron Age hillfort that sort of overlooks Bethlehem. It was quite a hike up there and I did manage to find myself in the centre of the local hunt on the way up but eventually I reached the top and my goodness what a view.

I walked all the way along the ridge following the valley and don't know just how far you can see but it is obviously for miles.
The weather wasn't brilliant that day as you can see from the haze but I should imagine the view on a sunny day is to die for which is of course why the people would have built it there in the first place I suppose.
Anyway now that the summer is over and the strangles etc has gone, I should have a bit more time to post things.

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